27 February 2012


Last night, I went mobile becos I was going to bed. I apologize for running away. You made me think about the unpleasant traits of my personality, my character, my recent actions when that was the last thing I wanted to do before bed. Especially, after we spent the day drooling over that beautiful mixer and making cucumber waters. I didn't want to go to bed upset becos it would just keep me up. That's why I ran away. 

I ended up tossing and turning either way. What you wrote about cheating and crossing that line, I had already done that 5 years ago when I held your hand. I can admit that to myself now. And I guess I worry about reaching for your hand and it not being there one day. What if you don't agree with this approach I've taken and you'll decide to leave? What if one day you think I hesitated and decide that you're not happy? Last night, I was having trouble resting and I turned to him and said, "I'm not happy in this marriage. I want to fulfill my dreams and goals but I don't see you with me. You are a good man and you deserve to be the most important person in somebody's life." He continued snoring and I felt like I was one step closer. 

I think a marathon is a good metaphor. I'm at the home stretch which I hear is the toughest part of the race. I refuse to give up.

23 February 2012

si può fare!

You're gonna kick ass today!

20 February 2012

il sentiero

I like urban hiking with you.

Thanks for entertaining my doomsday/post apocalyptic scenarios. Plus, I think you're right and we should start preparing some bug out packs. Maybe we should start a list (hehehe) of items we would need, just in case. Even start working on our balance with the Wii would be a good start. But I really need some hiking boots and I need to get my ankles stronger.

It goes without saying that the best part of our hike was laying in the field.  The sunlight coupled with the cool breeze was enough to make me want to lay out there all day! But honestly, it doesn't matter what we're doing or where we are, as long as I'm with you. That's all I need.

16 February 2012

reggiseno rosso

Thanks for the tea ( ^^) _旦~~
And the breakfast taco.
Thanks for letting me listen to this song on the way to Tayo's orthodontist appointment.
Thanks for being honest -_-
Thanks for saying you like me just the way I am...(●^o^●)
The 14th's got nothing on the 16th!

14 February 2012


A crouton of deer.
This was all I could think about today.

The 14th's got NOTHING on the 13th!

13 February 2012


Before I forget:
stroll in the park
chicken tortilla soup
chocolate covered strawberries in the driveway*
panko egg plant

Feb 13, my new favorite.

02 February 2012


I hate the kernels at the bottom that never get popped.  If I wait too long then the whole bag burns.  If I don't wait long enough then I'm left with 1/2 a bag of popcorn and 1/2 a bag of kernels.  Well, becos I was so bummed about the kernel filled bag I wondered, "What would happen if I stuck it back in the microwave?" 

What would happen?

So I rolled up the open end of the bag, placed it in the microwave and within a couple of seconds it was PoPpInG
Second Bag...I <3 it! 
I can't believe that I've been throwing away perfectly good kernels! 
Second Bag, all becos I decided not to follow the rules and re-popped the bag. Wow!
Baby steps :)