These last 2 nights I've been having trouble staying asleep. My throat has been killing me and I decided to take Nyquil
last night. I remember mostly me and Yuni waiting for an aerobics class to begin, but we weren't at the gym. We were waiting for one of those music rooms that you have to sign up for. Ya know, the kind with a piano and bench and you take your music and just play and everything is muted? A practice room.
We enter once the room is ready and there's a piano, but I have this anxious feeling like I'm waiting for a ride and I don't want to miss them. I walk back towards the front of the building past the other practice rooms and wait in the lobby. Only now it's a reception/lobby/bar of a small hotel, almost galley-like, very narrow. I've been outside this hotel before, just walking past it, but in another dream maybe 1 or 2 months ago.
I'm waiting in the seating area. It's got a great lounge feel to it with big plush velvety purple chairs and candles everywhere! Then a Hispanic gentleman approaches me and I have this feeling that I used to date him a long time ago, but I don't know if it was anyone from my real life. He's a minor distraction and he mentions something about soccer when I realize that the person I've been waiting for has already come and gone.
I rush out the front of the hotel and into an apartment building but I take a wrong turn and the whole first story turns out to be someone's apartment. I found this out the hard way, I opened a white 6 panel door with a bright light radiating from around it but instead I find an old lady sitting on the toilet! Eww. She points me in the right direction and I end up walking out her front door only now I'm on a wooden front porch with some stairs leading down to the ground.
I follow them down to the ground and when I look back towards the house again, it's actually an apartment building and all the balconies are adorned with bikes/flowers/laundry/wind chimes, tons of randomness. I look back down the street and see a row of houses that are pier and beam and sit up from the ground. I start running along the houses on the right hand side and am frantically looking for one house in particular, but I don't know which one.
There's a blue house that I run past with a woman standing on the front porch. She calls to me, "Over here! You past it!" as she's waving me down. It's your mom. I run up to meet her, give her a hug, and we sit on the steps of the porch just talking. She's talking and I am intrigued, but I don't know what she's saying. She's also smoking a small joint and she offers but I decline. She gets up to water some plants on her porch and she walks back and forth still talking. I feel at peace. She sits back down, still talking, and at that point her right hand reaches for my face. Her thumb is positioned to sit on my chin while her index finger and other fingers are slightly curled under my chin/jaw. She looks me in the eyes and with kindness and empathy in her eyes she says, "I know."
And then I wake up with a pain in my throat.
Maybe it was the combination of alcohol and hypnotic meds in the Nyquil, I don't know. Why would I dream about talking to your mom? All views of this dream had a patina hue to it except when I was talking with your mom. That scene had a light bluish tint. Kinda like a freshness. I don't know if that even makes sense, but that's the easiest way I can describe it.
Weird, huh?
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