OCTOBER 20, 2006 entry taken from my previous blog
Today was looking rather good for me. I woke up at 6:30, went for a jog, got home and showered, then headed out to Wal-Mart for an oil change. Now being that I'm a broke ass, all I ended up getting was a protective covering for my iPod.
Once my vehicle was ready I drove home and got online to research how to renew my driver license. At that point I came to find out that the server was down and I was unable to renew online. I did however manage to find what I thought at the time to be helpful phone numbers for TX DPS. WRONG! I found out through the telephone system that I was ineligible for phone renewal. So I had no choice but to call the DL office for more info. I ended up holding for a good 30 mins before talking to a person, but that was only after calling 4 other numbers. AND as courteous as the gentleman on the phone was in offering the DPS website, so that I could look up all their FAQs and info on DL offices, I couldn't have cared less. Do you really think I enjoy being on hold for half an hour instead of easily connecting online??? Think about it, son. I wouldn't be calling if I had the choice of easy online access.
There was no way around it; I had to go down to the office in person. Little did I know that the DPS office takes up a whole city block. So guess where I end up parking? Yep, you guessed it...on the opposite end. I sign in, fill out my app, grab a ticket and BAM!...I see it: "We accept payment in cash, check, or money order.---No Credit Cards!" So as I turn in my app, I ask, "I'm guessing No Credit Cards applies to debit cards?" Then the receptionist starts pointing out some places w/ ATMs and throws in w/ a chuckle, "You got time. They ain't gonna be callin' your number anytime soon." As if this little experience isn't going bad enough, the first ATM I hit denies my transaction 2x which forces me to go to the next block.
I finally get back to the office, take a seat and proceed to watch Chappelle's Show on my kick ass 60 gig Video iPod for the next 2hrs. And it's always a great feeling once your number gets called. You feel like a celebrity becos everyone absolutely hates you for getting called. That's becos they know, they still have to sit in that shitty waiting room until those red lights configure their number. At that point, they gain their freedom from that uncomfortable setting.
So I walk up to Counter 5 and find a sweet older, wiser face staring back at me. She's grinning from ear to ear and I find comfort in her smile. We take a quick little vision test, I hand over my old DL and WHAM! She busts out w/ a perplexed look on her face. She motions for someone to come over and help (but no one can) and says, "There's an alarm on your record, come back in a week."
I went blank at that point. I don't really remember what happened after that.
I asked what the problem was, but she didn't know.
I asked if there's another department I needed to go to, but she didn't know.
I asked if there was a phone number to speak w/ someone about my record, but
I couldn't get mad at her becos it wasn't her fault. After all, she said, "it's still okay; your DL doesn't expire till 8/4/06." I didn't have the heart to tell the senile broad that 8/4/06 had come and gone. So I walked out of there wanting to scream, but I contained it till I got to the car and blared my "Rock Out w/ Your Cock Out" playlist located conveniently on ...you guessed it...my iPod!
Once at home, I waited for Maund to get out of work and to my surprise, the boy brought over Chick-Fil-A....don't ya just love it? And then to add injury to insult, we tried to fill the Brita pitcher w/ water only to find out there was none. The water was off.
Crazy thing is Maund got so pissed that he ended up calling the leasing office 9x through the course of 2hrs. They finally called him back to say that they were working on the prob.
So lemme update you: it is now 22:06---No Water and No Driver License.
What a perfect ending to a perfect day...
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